Why your weight loss program might be obsolete. Armageddon – Revolutionary Weight Loss and Fitness DVD Program! With time crunches and an increased desire to lose weight at home, people have moved towards home exercise DVD programs over the past few years. There are many programs available on the market that claims to offer weight loss fitness results in only a few months. These programs are a usually combinations of exercises, pills, shakes, surgery etc. If you have tried many of these programs in the past and have not achieved your desired results or any results; then you may want to seriously consider Armageddon Weight Loss. You may not have heard about Armageddon Weight Loss before but thousands of people

research scientist - Armageddon Weight Loss DVD programArmageddon Weight Loss is not some new Hollywood fad that is filled with a bunch of “smoke and mirror” deceptions that will be here today and gone tomorrow.                  

It was developed over a 6 years period of time through the efforts of 16 instructors that are medical doctors such as endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and Neuroscientist; a team of highly qualified scientists with qualifications in physics, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, and healthy chemistry, plus a team of fitness experts such as registered dietitians and also at team of champion athletes that includes a weight lifting champion, a 50 mile ultra running champion and more. Over a 6 year duration, this amazing team has tearlessly worked to create the most scientific evidence based program on the market.

Armageddon Weight Loss DVD program - The best weight loss DVD for women and men - team of doctorsArmageddon Weight Loss is the only program taught by 16 highly qualified medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes.

It is also the most progressive and personalized program that focus on clients needs one client at a time. When it comes to Armageddon Weight Loss, you simply cannot just type in your credit card number and have your program delivered to your home. You must provide them with solid information about who you are and what are your goals so that they can create your program over a 3 day period of time. Now that is what I call personalized!

What makes Armageddon different from other weight loss DVD programs?
Experts Intervention

We_;love_ScienceThe Armageddon Weight Loss fitness program provides justice to its name. The word “Armageddon” means “the final battle”. This program is the battle against gimmicks, fads and pseudo-science (fake or incomplete science) claims. The program comprises an amazingly advanced nutrition program that is personalized and based on your fitness goals. You also get a customized sports injury prevention plan, a personalized grocery list, a personalized cardio plans, and a science of weight loss plan formulated by these 16 instructors that are medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. It is the only program formulated with the help of 16 experts that worked as a team to create this synergistic scientific program specific to individual body types and needs. With very vast experiences working in hospitals systems, fitness centers, and scientific communities across the globe, Armageddon Weight Loss provides the most synergistic and efficient approach to weight loss and fitness science that delivers powerful results without the need for drugs or supplements.

One-size-fits-all – one-instructor-knows-everything approaches are obsolete

Bruce Wayne - Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight loss program for women and men, Real evidence based scienceArmageddon’s approach is different from all leading weight loss home programs as those programs use only one instructor who is suppose to know it all! Really?! Plus, these programs typically try to sell you on some new extreme workouts, supplements, and magic shakes that may not be safe and are typically not required to achieve your results once you actually learn real nutrition science not just a quick fix. When you decide to get healthy and lose weight, I highly recommend that you focus on sustainable results no just a quick fix. Armageddon Weight Loss program does not believe in “one person knows everything” approaches. This program and company believes that every person is unique and so are their goals, eating habits, the rate at which their body burns fat and how the body responds to specific biochemical reactions. Their goal is to finally have a place where people can come to for real “complete” answers not just fragmented answers that may just cause more confusion.

What does “holistic” mean to you?

Armageddon Weight Loss - The most synergistic weight loss fitness DVD program

We have all heard the word “holistic” thrown around quite a lot in the fitness industry. The problems is that their idea of holistic is to have a bunch of fitness trainers giving you all types of crazy exercises and then providing you with a few general nutrition ideas as their definition of what “holistic” means. Armageddon’s definition of “holistic” is to gather as many experts from as many medical, scientific, fitness and athletic discipline as possible; get them to work synergistically over time doing a better job of connecting all the dots so that you will have a much better chance of achieving your results and keeping that results.


Complimentary Personalized Coaching (no extra cost)

Armageddon Weight Loss - Complimentary coaching - The best weight loss dvd for women and men 1In addition to all of the above, Armageddon Weight Loss DVD program provides you with personalized coaching which keeps you connected to their experts on a regular basis. This ensures you get coaching throughout your weight loss program to help you achieve your targeted weight loss fitness goals. Having your own coach also add a higher degree of success and helps to provide additional guidance along the way.

HONESTYHighest Level of Integrity

The program believes in providing honest “evidence-based” scientific approaches to achieve sustainable weight loss by providing you with practical knowledge that helps you achieve you weight loss goals.
The following is out of Armageddon Weight Loss Program:

  •  No Surgery
  •  No pills
  •  No supplements
  •  No starvation diets
  • No prepackaged meals

If you have regained weight, have cellulite or perhaps not achieved your goal in the time as promised by other weight loss DVD programs, then introduce yourself to the Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program today! Love your body and take the right approach to achieve your desirable results! Give Armageddon Weight Loss a try and change your life.

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