Our guest is Registered Nurse Cheri Menoni, who is Associate Director of Admission in a skilled nursing facility owned and operated by a major hospital system in Cleveland, Ohio.Utilizing Armageddon Weight Loss Program Cheri 57 years old, lost 80 pounds! Got off of several medications including Metformin, Januvia and Glipizide and now has a resting heart of 61! Her cholesterol dropped to 154. Hdl 59. Her Triglyceride is now 75 it was 200 when she started our program and her Hemoglobin A1C is now 4.8 which mean she is in remission – a state in which all signs an symptom of her diabetes has disappeared as defined by he American Diabetic Association. Here at Armageddon Weight Loss we now have a new terminology for diabetics. We call it Chronic Remission. It means, having no signs or symptoms of your diabetes for life.

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Cheri’s case is so impressive that The Armageddon Weight Loss Process is now being review as a possible new more sustainable way to treat diabetic patients. The Armageddon Weight Loss process offers a new way for diabetics to be able to stay in “remission”, a state in which all signs and symptoms of diabetes disappears. We now have a new terminology for diabetic, we call it ” Chronic Remission”. Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease with no current cure. However, based on the definition provided by the American Diabetic Association that diabetic remission is “a state in which all signs and symptoms of diabetes disappears”. What if we could keep some diabetic patients in constant remission for life? While the patient would not be technically cured of their disease, if they had no signs or symptoms of their disease requiring no drugs to achieve this positive sustainable outcome wouldn’t that be one hell of an advancement for diabetics? This is our goal and so far things looks very promising for many of our diabetic clients. This means that many Type 2 Diabetics may be able to get off their medications similar to Cheri and stay off their medications possibly for life!