Our Guest today is Occupational Therapist Jennifer Emili from Allentown Pennsylvania who has over 24 years experience working with both adults and kids in the field of occupational therapy. Occupational therapists treat injured, ill, or disabled patients through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. They help these patients develop, recover, and improve the skills needed for daily living and working. Jennifer Emili used Armageddon Weight Loss to not just lose weight, but like many of our clients, she got rid of her cellulite and yes folk she does not look like the same person. Just check out her before and after pictures. I am really serious, she does not look like the same person. We should be in the witness protection business because our client don’t look like the same people once they go through our program.
Today’s Show Topic
Leading a functional life, one that promote independence in activities of daily living, independent living skills and the ability to be functional throughout your entire life from age 5 to 90 years old. what we are talking about here folk is having a great quality of life. How do you begin this process as children and how do you maintain a great quality of life. Let’s face it, it’s not just about being alive, it what kind of life do you want to live.

Jennifer Emili – Occupational Therapist – Armageddon Weight Loss – Best weight loss DVD for women over 60, best exercise program for women over 60, in their 40ies or 30ies. Your program is personalized!
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