New Update Pictures of Sharon Sharp – Atlanta, Georgia

I am the lone survivor of a family of 8 siblings and 2 parents household. Recently I had the agonizing responsibility of authorizing the removal of my sister and last remaining sibling from her ventilator. This was a character building experience as it marked that everyone one else is gone. Her departure conjured feelings there is no one left to validate my primary experiences. No one to say, “Hey you remember the time when you did…” In the TV show Star Trek there is a character called 7 or 9, but in my case, I am 7 of 8. While they never quite say what happened to the others in the case of 7 of 9 on Star Trek, in my case I know what happened. They all died! There is no other way to say it.
My Dying Sister
The whole experience of caring for my sister in love and as her medical proxy gave me a clear perspective on the importance of self-care and maintaining a lifestyle of fitness. Growing up in my parents’ household, health was secondary. Health was treated as though it was an expendable resource that would always be there. The thought of using the word exercise was like using profanity. Additionally, everyone but me smoked. For years I saw a correlation between weight and health, but I was more ego driven than health conscious. In the past 6 years, I have probably gained and lost the same 10 to 15 pounds at least 7 times. I stayed on the rollercoaster of no lasting results.
The time leading up to my sister’s transition caused me to take pause and reflect on the quality of life and the value of good health/fitness. I was often exhausted, overwhelmed, disconnected and disappointed based on my lack of power to stop what appeared to be impending death. Regardless of my task to attend to medical proxy matters, life most assuredly went on in this fast paced, youth oriented, technologically driven world. I needed a change in perspective and a boost to my energy level fast!
Life Saving Changes with Armageddon
I knew I was racing against time to save my own life. One of the biggest dangers that so few people ever discuss is: when trying to save your own life, the more programs and products you use without realizing the positive results you desire, the less time you have to save yourself. Fads really can harm you! I wish more people would protest products and programs that do not actually deliver true sustainable results. I also realize it is not enough to just be motivated or committed; you must choose a program that actually works. Now I know that may seem easy but I have looked. I have watched the infomercials, and I have read the magazines. I have tried many of these program but it did not matter what I did, they did not deliver the results I was looking for.
Why a personalized program is key
Not long ago our office moved to a new location that also housed a fitness center. This is where I was introduced to Armageddon Weight Loss by a few coworkers. That’s when the woman in the mirror first determined it possible to change. Now I know this sounds like a song, and I know the name Bruce Wayne sound like a fictional character; however, Bruce Wayne is the Creator of Armageddon Weight Loss. Armageddon Weight Loss is the only program that I found that was created by a team of 16 medical doctors such as endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neuroscientist, plus scientists such as biochemist, physicists, health chemist, fitness experts such as registered dietitians, and champion athletes.
I stubbornly thought I could cheat
At first I stubbornly thought I could cheat and just work harder alongside of students in the program, yet not purchase my own personal plan, (as though I could achieve success by osmosis). Eventually, it became painfully clear (figuratively and physically) that clients who used the Armageddon program were achieving amazing results at record speed while I was on the treadmill going nowhere fast. Clearly, I needed professional help that exceeded my personal efforts and any fitness program or professionals I had worked with in the past. I decided to bite the bullet and seek help from the program that produced what appeared to create magic results in students of all shapes, ages and sizes. As you know most programs only have a one-size-fits-all approach or one-instructor-who-is-suppose-to-know-everything approach. I tried many of these programs and so did many of my friends. That was part of my challenge.
What Bruce Wayne taught me
My initial interview with Bruce Wayne about his Armageddon program coincided with the time my last sibling faced death’s door, with the shutdown of almost every major organ in her body. After one interview with Bruce I experienced a shift in perception. He helped me to adjust my vision to focus on making my health my first priority and being less concerned about weight and appearance. My sister’s condition provided the ultimate motivation and evidence of the importance for this shift. From that moment on, I became determined to overcome all of the obstacles and excuses that blocked my ability to achieve fitness. The Armageddon program provided me with the knowledge, instruction, ongoing reminders and motivation, custom designed to meet my personal needs.
My life is forever changed
I have now actually changed my lifestyle and am no longer concerned at all about weight loss. I am finally capable of maintaining my size. My new focus is to achieve more tone and more balance. It’s amazing…how, now with a focus on fitness, I have changed my life. No longer am I depressed, exhausted and overwhelmed by life’s challenges. Exercise as an alternative really is a great stress management tool that provides the reward of health and better appearance that cannot be found in a pill or a fad. In spite of the fact that all of my family members have made their transitions, and knowing that life will still hold challenges; at the age of 57 I am experiencing new life with determination to live fit. Exercising and eating properly has provided me with more energy, focus and a whole new attitude! Instead of living with fatigue and frustration, I have a spirit of renewal! With so much loss, life was beginning to fade into darkness, which is why I say, this program truly has saved my life! When all you know to be true disappears before your eyes, it’s time to reinvent your reality. This Armageddon really has given me a new lease on life!
About My Program
My program was personalized; they addressed my cardiovascular fitness level and provided workouts that matched my fitness level. They also provided a personalized nutrition program based on my fitness goals. They even wanted to know if I had food allergies and what was my family dynamics. No one, and I mean, no other program has ever asked me about my family dynamics; much less what were my strengths and weaknesses. Bruce Wayne and his team developed a plan that took into my MANY ISSUES and developed a plan based on hard science to help me change my life and to achieve true sustainable results. In addition, to the strength, conditioning, cardiovascular health, nutrition, psychology, physics, biochemistry and other subject that I learned during my Armageddon Weight Loss journey; Bruce Wayne also coached and motivated me on how to find balance in my life and how to inject health into my busy life.
My Results Today
I am an Armageddon Success story. I lost 40 pounds; I am signed up to run my first 5K even though I know that it will be a breeze. I am stronger and more toned that I ever thought possible at 57 years young with a strong understanding about nutrition science and a real plan to continue my sustained success. Advice that I give to others is; just because you purchase a car does not make you a mechanic; just because you purchase a gym membership does not mean you know how to work out. More important, just because you hire a personal trainer or take a fitness call does not mean it will get you to your goal. Choose serious evidence based science, not just quick fixes. Choose honesty and most of all choose life. I am here, I am 7 of 10 but I am not going anywhere for a very long time. My name is Sharon Shaw and I am here to stay.
Thank you Bruce Wayne and the whole Armageddon team!