Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam rutrum congue diam viverra consectetur. Nulla lobortis et felis et aliquet. Curabitur feugiat vel dui nec venenatis. Phasellus nec ornare odio. Sed tincidunt condimentum congue. Nulla egestas, sem sit amet scelerisque vulputate, leo magna feugiat risus, vel facilisis massa eros sit amet dolor. Donec aliquet enim eget odio suscipit egestas. In dictum auctor magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum viverra semper neque et vulputate. Etiam vestibulum commodo viverra. Cras accumsan tellus mi, quis fermentum ante ultrices vel. Proin aliquet urna vitae imperdiet faucibus. Mauris in suscipit nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin commodo dolor eget mauris venenatis, sed adipiscing arcu sollicitudin. Donec condimentum commodo quam vel fringilla. Proin vel urna tincidunt purus viverra cursus. Curabitur posuere, eros sit amet pellentesque malesuada, enim sem tempor enim, eget pulvinar est libero et justo. Quisque iaculis, sapien nec blandit iaculis, elit ipsum porta metus, eu ullamcorper turpis sem non augue. Donec rhoncus vulputate eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed eleifend dui vitae felis pretium, sed egestas augue egestas. Phasellus aliquam, odio mattis lobortis commodo, purus enim consectetur nulla, nec porttitor diam sem eget turpis. Nullam a volutpat est. Sed vestibulum aliquet nulla, feugiat consectetur elit tempus eu. Sed nec nunc sed diam mattis iaculis non id lectus. Cras interdum mi quis orci venenatis ultricies.
Etiam elementum nibh ac iaculis dictum. Nulla facilisi. Nullam tempor nec mi a placerat. Aliquam nec consequat ipsum, non porta ligula. Nunc fermentum ac ligula vitae interdum. Sed eget eros luctus, congue turpis et, pulvinar augue. Nullam eleifend, ante a vulputate feugiat, leo sapien imperdiet ante, at elementum odio sem id urna
Sometimes we are not quite aware of how we look or what type of shape we are in until we look backwards. Cindy was shocked when she saw her before picture. “I was so embarrassed, I actually cried” said Cindy.
Yesterday, the American Medical Association confirmed that obesity is actually a disease. Thanks for the confirmation, it’s long overdue. Obesity is a highly preventable, very easily treated disease for those who are committed and are proactive. However, it is one of the toughest diseases to address once it’s too far gone. Obesity is responsible for over 3 million related deaths each year including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and so much more. Even though this disease has finally been confirmed by the AMA, most hospitals and medical facilities are not fully trained or have the infrastructure or resources to effectively address obesity.
53% of all doctors are overweight, and 66% of our population are currently overweight and on their way to being obese. If most of our doctors are not even healthy and cannot fix themselves, why should we trust that they have all the answers? What we need is a holistic approach not just doctors, or personal trainers, or dietitians. We need all of the above and so much more. We also need to look at our entire work life balance and the litany of processed foods that are far too readily available. We need to look at the absence of health in the workplace and the lack of scheduled time in our own individual day that is actually set aside for health. Everyone is so busy; far too busy to take a moment to take care of their health. This loss of personal responsibility has resulted in a highly preventable disease becoming an epidemic that is only projected to rise. By 2040 it is projected that 100% of our population will be overweight. While not literally everyone will be actually overweight, what is clear is that more people will become overweight and on their way to becoming obese including more and more doctors. In addition, if doctors truly had a solution for obesity they would be the fittest people on the planet if they also were willing to make the sacrifice to put their own health first and lead by example. But there are not, but instead are just as much victims of this massive systemic issue that affect every corner of our planet.
Here at Armageddon Weight Loss DVD Program we have been proactively fighting obesity the only way we know how to; by involving doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. Only by having a true holistic team of experts do we stand the best chance of getting ahead of this disease particularly for the next generation. It’s was way overdue for obesity to become a disease. However, it is also way overdue for us to discontinue to have one size fits all solutions such as, one personal trainer flashing their six pack, one doctor writing yet another book on weight loss, or one more diet that solves everything.
Welcome to Armageddon Weight Loss, the only and best weight loss fitness DVD program taught by 15 experts who are doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. Your weight loss fitness plan will be personalized based on your objective. You will be provided with a complimentary coach to keep you accountable, personalized cardio, strength training, yoga, and wellness education including the science of weight loss that includes biochemistry, physics, endocrinology, neuroscience, gastroenterology, healthy chemistry, immunology, all taught by our doctors and scientists. You will also be provided with sports injury prevention taught by our physical therapist and biomechanics instructions experts. In addition you will also be provided with personalized meal planning by our registered dietitian and fitness instruction provided by our champion athletes. Now compare this to just one instructor in a fitness DVD such as P90X, Insanity, Jillian Michaels videos or a personal trainer with good intentions in your neighborhood and you can understand why Armageddon Weight Loss is a far superior and the best weight loss fitness DVD program.
We hear this all the time “I need someone to be there to push me because that is the only way I will get in shape. What if the personal trainer that is there lacks the knowledgeable to actually get you there? Just because your trainer is in good shape does not mean he or she understand weight loss fitness science. We need to stop this madness. Fixing your own car does not automatically make you a mechanic, neither does getting a 3 month or 2 year certificate make you more qualified than 15 different experts! The longer you take to come to term with this fact, the longer it will take for you to get to your results and the more money and time you will waste trying to get there. The best weight loss program is the one that consistently deliver results even if the program is presented consisting of personalized planning and DVD instructions. If the science is sound, you are more likely to achieve sustainable results versus someone local to your neighborhood who hold your hands, tell you jokes, but fail to deliver you the results you are looking for.
It’s time for us to move beyond the idea that the best products are necessarily made in our own neighborhoods and focus more on what actually works. Armageddon means the final battle, this is our battle against fads, gimmicks, quick fixes and well intentioned programs that are simply one dimensional and will not deliver the scientific sustainable outcome that you really need to become healthy. It’s time for you to give science a real chance to work!
Join us in putting an end to fads and gimmicks.
You see it everywhere, one trainer who is suppose to know everything , one doctor who is suppose to know everything, one diet that is suppose to deliver it all. The new magic shake or the new wonder drug. One man, one machine! This was the theme of the 80s. Rambo, Superman the one size fits all solution. While the movies were quite entertaining to watch and required that you sort of put your brain on ice during a two hour movie, we all knew that they did not reflect reality. Certainly we know that it takes more than one person to fight and win a battle, to advance science or to teach you what you need to know to get in shape. So if we know this to be true, why do we continue to subscribe to these false and misleading products and services. While movies may offer a great escape from life’s many stressors, not using a team of scientists, doctors and fitness experts collectively, not individually is quite an insane path for us to continue to take as a society.
I was watching a boxing match a few days ago and I couldn’t help but notice that the winner kept saying my team, my team, my team! Even thought he was the one who ultimately fought in the ring, he knew that his victory was not solely achieved based on his efforts alone, but instead by the collective efforts of all his coaches.
When it comes to weight loss and fitness we need to stop this madness.
What do you need to achieve true sustainable results? The answer is a team! Here at Armageddon Weigh Loss we have built and continue to develop the ultimate team consisting of Medical Doctors such as an endocrinologist, a Neuroscientist, a Gastroenterologist, an Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor and more. We also have many scientists such as a Physicist, a Health Chemist and Molecular Biologist and a Biochemist… all with PhDs! In addition, we also have a team of health experts such as Registered Dietitians; and I don’t mean a certified nutritionist! Certified nutritionist only go to school for a few months to get their certificate. I am talking about Clinical Registered Dietitians that have masters’ degrees in nutrition sciences. Plus, we also have a biomechanics expert with a master degree and a physical therapist with a doctorate degree. To complete our circle we also have champion athletes such as a 50 mile ultra runner champion, rowing champion and weight lifting champion.
Now compare our team to just one personal trainer in your neighborhood gym. Just because someone lives in your neighborhood does not make them the most qualified or the best! Are the best cars, telephones, or appliances necessarily made in your neighborhood? Most likely not. So just because some nice personal trainer with good intentions lives in your neighborhood does not mean he or she is the most qualified or have the best answers.
While we are at it, compare our team to one trainer featured on P90X, Insanity, Jillian Michaels’ Body Revolution or Jane Fonda’s workouts DVDs and you get the point really quick. We have a much more powerful, scientific, realistic weight loss exercise DVD program to help you achieve your results. Plus, compare our Weight Loss Exercise DVD program to Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, neither of which offers ANY actual fitness instructions and again you see the flaws within these programs. How about that new HCG program, you know the ones with the drop that you take while you starve yourself eating only 500 calories per day? First starvation diets are simply not sustainable, therefore whatever result that you achieve are most likely not sustainable over long periods of time. In addition, most of these programs go to great length to convince you that you need numerous shakes, supplements and magic specialty food items to achieve your results… Rubbish!
As I have said over and over, approximately 66% of our population are currently overweight and by 2020 in just 8 years, 75% of our population is projected to be overweight. By 2040 if we continue this trend it is projected that 100% of our population will be overweight. And as I have also said, while I don’t expect literally everyone will be overweight; what is quite clear is that there will be rampant increases in heart disease, cancers and diabetes and a collective reduction in the quality of life for all Americans. These are not random strangers that I am talking about either. These are your husband or wife or partners, your children, your cousins and your aunt and uncles. The neighbor down the street or the kind person at church who volunteer in your community. We must stop this madness. It’s time to put science first. Here at Armageddon Weight Loss our goal is to continue to advance the progress of weight loss fitness science by utilizing highly qualified doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes, gathered in one world… ArmageddonWorld.Com!
If you have not tried Armageddon Weight Loss Exercise DVD Program, you really should to give us a try. Come see why we have the best weight loss exercise DVD program on the market. Come see why Armageddon Weight Loss is the world’s largest, most personalized, most scientific based and simply the best weight loss DVD program on the market.
Keywords: Best weight loss DVD Program . Best Weight Loss DVD . Best Fitness DVD Program – The best DVD program for women – Best exercise DVD program for women, best exercise DVD program for men. Best nutrition program. Best Nutrition program for weight loss, Best weight loss fitness DVD.
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This is where you will find update photos of client and before and after pictures. Enjoy and see why Armageddon weight loss the the best weight loss DVD program on the market.
A common misconception among those entering a fitness regiment is that cardio activities burn the most calories. While cardio exercises are an integral part of an overall fitness DVD program, it is not the only way, or even necessarily the best way, to burn calories. This is why so many people get discouraged when they start a cardio-only program and fail to see the results they desire.
Strength training is also a critical component to achieving the type of lean, fit look so many participants desire. Without building muscle through an effective exercise DVD program, your weight loss results will not be as physically appealing. Sure, you may be slimmer just by shedding some pounds through diet or cardio alone, but it is impossible to have a firm, tight physique without building muscle through strength training.
This is why Armageddon weight loss DVDs has spent so much time with its all start professional team of over 14 doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes developing a holistic exercise DVD program to offer a complete weight loss fitness program. At each level, Armageddon Thunder, Armageddon Lightening, and Armageddon Hurricane, Armageddon Weight Loss provide a balanced training regimen that is personalized to each participant. Every purchase of Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness DVD includes all the aspects of a well-rounding weight loss DVD program: cardio, strength training, nutrition, Physics, Biochemistry, Psychology, Flexibility, Sports Injury Prevention and so much more. Each element holds a special place in a weight loss DVD program and cannot be removed if you want to achieve the best results.
Armageddon Strength Training fitness DVD series includes exercises that focus on all the major muscle groups,
legs, core, chest, triceps, back, shoulders, and biceps; for an all over strong body. Any fitness DVD or exercise DVD that promises spot training, for example a DVD that only gives exercises for a tight butt or promises just six pack abs, is a waste of money. At Armageddon, we know that only exercising one area is a waste of time because we have the science to back it up. The human body is a system that needs all areas addressed. Spot training does not work. Strength training in a fitness DVD program must be balanced across the body to be effective.
Besides weight loss and muscle tone, strength training provides other exceptional health benefits. A strong body is a healthy body. Building muscle through strength training helps counteract muscle loss associated with poor dieting and nutrition and aging. Strengthening muscles also helps relieve stress on joints and also with bone density. The stronger muscles developed through Armageddon Strength Training DVDs along with your flexibility and biomechanics instructions will help to prevent injury throughout Armageddon exercise DVD program. The benefits of including strength training in your fitness DVD program really do go on and on.
However, always remember that no one component is truly effective, this is why we have a team of 14 different experts from multiple discipline to give you the best chance of achieving the most effective, power healthy results.
Armageddon means “the final battle”; this is our battle against fads and gimmicks! Join us!