Author Archives: Bruce Wayne

After losing over 70 pounds Susan Evans, school teacher and Armageddon Weight Loss gladiator is unrecognizable to many of the parents at PTA meetings. For years Susan said she would just come home, ‘plunk” on the couch exhausted, eat, drink and fall asleep. She knew something had to change. That is when the found Armageddon Weight Loss. She said once she started the program she never looked back. You really need to hear her story. Watch the Program Overview Video above at the top right hand side of this page that says CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Susan Evans; Best weight loss DVD for women over 60; Best exercise DVD for women over 60;

Susan Evans; Best weight loss DVD for women over 60; Best exercise DVD for women over 60;Susan Evans - Armageddon Weight Loss

My name is Heather Russell and I am a Licensed Practical Nurse, owner of a professional cleaning business and a professional writer of travel articles . I tried many of the popular programs on the market without success. I actually got injured from one of those extreme, insane workouts. I found the other programs on the market to be too one dimensional, and are typically “one-size-fits-all” programs that are not set up for success.  I was amazed by how quickly I was able to transform my body without any drugs or supplements.  To hear my story in my own words check out the testimonial video at the very top of the TESTIMONIAL PAGE – (click here). It’s about 15 minutes long but it contains many testimonials of clients in their own words. So don’t take my word for it. Let them tell you their own stories. You be the judge.


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heather before armageddonm weight loss DVD program - The best weight loss DVD for women and men, best exercise dvd -5heather before armageddonm weight loss DVD program - The best weight loss DVD for women and men, best exercise dvd -4

Please keep in mind that as you review our website every client that is featured actually used Armageddon Weight Loss to acheive their results. All instructors featured are your actual instructors who you will learn from as you experience Armageddon Weight Loss fitness program.

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Etiam et sodales purus, eu imperdiet neque. Sed ut elit dolor. Aenean in augue quis mi commodo lacinia. Mauris fringilla non sapien non scelerisque. Mauris quis ipsum eget metus interdum fringilla ac ut ipsum. Curabitur tincidunt, justo eget pellentesque pellentesque, massa turpis sodales arcu, vitae sodales mi purus in dolor. Curabitur gravida metus elit, sit amet mattis nisl sagittis in. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi convallis urna a eros laoreet, in scelerisque urna dapibus. Morbi et lectus venenatis, lacinia lorem sed, vestibulum justo. Nullam adipiscing condimentum est et accumsan.

I decided to work with Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program because I am a scientist, and as such I believe in science as the true method of providing people the chance to enjoy a better life. What I liked from this company was to know that their main goal is to give people a real opportunity to learn good evidence based science that will give them a fair chance to become healthier and also to prevent diseases.

Dr VineuzaDr. Vinueza – Medical Doctor & Neuroscience PhD scholar

Dr. Vinueza will be helping us to advance our understanding about human brain function so that we can more effectively build and improve our scientific understanding about weight loss, fitness and wellness.

What is Neuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of the development, structure and function of the nervous system, with a special focus on the brain and its role in behavior and cognitive functions. Also referred to as Neural Science, Neuroscience seeks to understand not only how the nervous system functions normally, but also what goes wrong in neurodevelopmental, psychiatric and neurological disorders. Multidisciplinary in nature, the field of Neuroscience spans the structure, function, evolution, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, circuitry and pathology of the nervous system. Therefore, neuroscience integrates biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, psychology, and computer science. It is one of the most rapidly advancing fields in biomedical research.

The reason why I decided to join this project is that I want to empower individuals by educating them on the basic physiology of digestion. There are too many diet fads that have come out in the market today and it is high time that people should be able to discriminate each one and make a critical appraisal of each. Knowledge is power!

I am a reproductive endocrinologist.  This means that after medical school, I finished a residency in obstetrics and gynecology, then decided I was ready for more training and did a fellowship in reproductive endocrinology.  My goal is to help you understand the medical side of weight and hormones.  I want to help you understand the medical jargon that we doctors use way too often.  Think of me as your translator.

Dr. Trumbull MD – OB/GYN & Endocrinology

Meet Dr. Labitag MD, our newest addition to our team of experts. Dr. Labitag MD, served as Chief Resident of the Department of Internal Medicine and is a current Fellow with sub-specialty training in Endocrinology and Metabolism at St. Luke’s Medical Center. Dr. Labitag will be assisting us in a wide variety of areas including diabetic prevention and management, as well as broadening our understanding in the areas of endocrinology and metabolism.

Dr. Labitag MD – Internal Medicine – Endocrinology – Metabolism

What is Biochemistry? Each part of every living being is biochemically connected.
Biochemistry is at the heart of life science. It is a fascinating, diverse and sprawling discipline; which makes it near impossible to pigeon-hole or define concisely. Many look upon biochemistry as a science that underpins and explains the essential processes of life, impacting on:

      • Biotechnology – Bioinformatics – Cell biology and signalling
      • Development and disease – Energy and metabolism – Genetics

What is the main influence in obesity and weight gain? Is it the genetics or is it the environment? The question is a very important one to answer, since if it was 100% genetic, no amount of diet and exercise would be able to help, if it was 100% environment, then everyone with weight problems could be blamed for being irresponsible and lazy. However, turns out that the reality is not black and white but rather in between, and nowadays we have a lot more information and understanding on the subject.

When Bruce Wayne asked me to join Armageddon Weight Loss, my first thought was to find a polite way to decline his request, as I had no intention associating myself with pseudoscience, claims without proper peer review, or promoting magic concoctions that would cure obesity and build six packs abs. Bruce, however, explained to me that Armageddon Weight Loss is an organization that believes in science and intend to educate people about importance of rigorously peer reviewed scientific facts, facts which are based on validated scientific experiment and published in journals for anyone wishing to verify the claim can do so. I reluctantly agreed to join Armageddon, and now I am happy that I did so. Bruce and his Armageddon have kept their promises.