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Fuel Sources, why it seriously matters to your weight loss fitness success!
As you know, year after year, more and more diet programs and fitness workout videos are peddled; many featuring people in amazing shape many speaking in their own words about how a particular product completely worked for them. These products usually feature amazing results of people who are toned or totally ripped… yet it is scientifically impossible to get toned or to build muscles simply from diet alone or exercise alone!
Diet alone will not get you ripped or toned because diets alone do not build muscles! Neither will drugs, supplements, workouts or cardio programs, dance regimens or Pilates routines to name but a few! The fact is; the types of fuels that you use matters immensely! Your body requires different types of fuel sources bases on the activity that is being performed. Therefore, simply picking a diet and counting points or taking drugs or supplements is extremely inefficient and does not necessarily match with the activity that you will be performing unless you know what those activities will be ahead of time!
Whenever, you decide to lose weight or exercise you MUST know what you will be doing and your fuel source must match up to the type of activity to provide optimum performance and RESULTS. If not, you could run out of fuel during your workouts or even harm yourself!
This is one of the many reasons why Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program incorporates serious nutrition science and personalized meal planning to complement each type of workout that you perform. It simply does not make sense to just randomly pick a diet or nutrition plan without taking into consideration the activity that you are planning to perform. Your workout and your nutrition recommendations should come from the same program to provide the best outcome. That way your fuel budget and your expenditure of energy are synched together for best results. Therefore, the next time you see some amazing results being presented by a diet program or a workout program please exercise a healthy dose of skepticism because it is highly unlikely that the results came from the diet or workout program presented. Instead, it’s a whole lot more likely that the results came from the user adding additional components to achieve their results and the diet or fitness program taking credit for all their hard work.