Dr. Shukla, PhD – Biochemistry
What is Biochemistry? Each part of every living being is biochemically connected. Biochemistry is at the heart of life science. It is a fascinating, diverse and sprawling discipline; which makes it near impossible to pigeon-hole or define concisely. Many look upon biochemistry as a science that underpins and explains the essential processes of life, impacting on:
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Dr. Leyvtskyy, PhD – Immunology & Biology
What is the main influence in obesity and weight gain? Is it the genetics or is it the environment? The question is a very important one to answer, since if it was 100% genetic, no amount of diet and exercise would be able to help, if it was 100% environment, then everyone with weight problems could
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Dr. Ashraf, PhD – Health Chemistry & Molecular Biology
When Bruce Wayne asked me to join Armageddon Weight Loss, my first thought was to find a polite way to decline his request, as I had no intention associating myself with pseudoscience, claims without proper peer review, or promoting magic concoctions that would cure obesity and build six packs abs. Bruce, however, explained to me
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Dr. Maida, PhD Molecular Neurology
Dr. Maida, PhD Molecular Neurology, Adjunct Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy. Dr. Maida is a highly respected scientist in her field. Among her many talents, she enjoys teaching and developing young doctors at the University or Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. She is also a professional tennis player and also a practitioner of Armageddon
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Dr. Sonnenberg, PhD – Physics
123 Physics is considered the most basic science because all other sciences are derived from it. It serves as a foundation for other sciences to be built on. Scientists often use physical principles in reference to their own experiments, even if not in the field in physics. Understanding basic physics will definitely help you lose
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Dr. Khlighatyan, PhD Neuroscience
Dr. Khlighatyan PhD is our 4th Neuroscientist on our team. While many other program may have overlooked the power of neuroscience specific to weight loss and fitness we have invested heavily in this area because we believe it is critical to our clients’ success. As part of our continued research into better understanding weight loss
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Dr. Nogueira, PhD Pharmacology – Bioscience
Dr. Nogueira, PhD Pharmacology & Bioscience also has a background in neuroscience. Part of Dr. Nogueira’s contribution will be in the area of pharmacology with a focus on drug and food addiction. Part of our new pioneering approach specific to weight loss fitness science is to investigate the possibility of food addiction and to incorporate our
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