Our Guest is Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator Mary Pat Vetter. Mary Pat Vetter is a Nurse Educator and faculty member for Hearst Review in Toledo Ohio. Hearst Review has helped hundreds of thousands of nursing students to pass the NCLEX state board examination on their first attempt. Registered Nurse Mary Pat Vetter has taught advance medical and surgical nursing courses to numerous nursing students and has been a registered nurse for over 34 years. She has worked in numerous areas of nursing including adult medical and surgical units and outpatient surgical units. Mary Pat Vetter used Armageddon Weight Loss to transform her body. She does not even look like the same person. Listen to her jaw-dropping interview about nurse and the current state of their health. This is a must listen to interview!
TODAY’S SHOW TOPIC – Has obesity become the new norm?
The diet industry is now structured less to help you achieve your goal and more toward you failing and coming back time and time again? Just think of how many times you have gone back to drinking that diet shake, joining that boot-camp program or counting those points. Unfortunately, this is a great business model for those in the weight loss fitness industry, but not very healthy for you or your pocketbook.