Tag Archives: Weight Loss DVD

Weight Loss Exercise DVD For Women

Kim – over 40 years old, totally ripped, without drugs, supplements or surgery! Get Armageddon Weight Loss Exercise DVD Program

Armageddon is the world’s largest weight loss fitness DVD program. Armageddon is 40% larger than P90X or Insanity, has 10 times more instructors, and comes with 9 months of personalized coaching. Certainly you are more likely to learn from 10 real scientists and champion athlete instructors instead of just one instructor in both P90X and Insanity.  P90X does not provide personalized meal plans or personalized coaching. For these additional services you will pay an additional $38.87 per quarter for their Beachbody Club Membership. In order to match Armageddon, you will pay an additional $116 for comparable services from P90X. No drugs or supplements are required to get to your results with Armageddon. On the other hand, P90X heavily markets numerous supplements to their clients. Armageddon workouts are progressive so that you can more safely build a strong foundation that will help you exceed your expectations.  Don’t be fooled by claims of extreme workouts or becoming “ripped” in 90 days. Performing an extreme workout when you are just starting out may not be a safe path to your success. What you need are progressive workouts, not just extreme, cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all workout drills, aerobic, anaerobic, or circuit training.

FIRST, SUSTAINABLE RESULT IS WHAT REALLY MATTERS! Most people have lost and gained a few pound on their own by using a fad workout or nutrition gimmick before. Therefore… conclusion, STOP USING THEM! Now let’s talk about what will NOT work when it comes to providing sustainable results.

Weight Loss Drugs may work as long as you take them forever, don’t address root causes, and there is nothing to learn!  All drugs have side effect! After years of research and training, I have come to the conclusion that most supplements are just untested drugs that have hidden side effects also. Just wait a while…. sooner or later the results will come out that there are side effects for most supplements on the market.  Thus, while I am not anti supplements, I don’t think most people really need them to get to their goal! What they need is a clear understanding about weight loss fitness science.

So let’s talk about the details, Armageddon Exercise DVDs consist of both beginner exercise DVDs, intermediate Exercise DVDs and advanced workouts Videos . Essentially all exercise DVDs routines you need to get you that flat stomach that you are looking for. For those seeking advanced 6 pack workout routines or Intermediate Ab routines, Armageddon provides the best Ab workout videos and complete total body exercise DVDs for beginner to advance levels. The differences between all other home workouts exercise DVD programs are that Armageddon weight loss DVDs provides home workout routines for men and also home workout routines for women that are truly progressive. This means, we don’t start you off running 100 miles per hour! This could cause injuries! Furthermore, your exercise program are designed, customized, and personalized, and are taught by 10 real scientist and champion athletes instructors. Therefore, ladies… Armageddon is not going to provide you with some insane workouts that are primarily designed for men that may be too advanced for you, or may not be the type of workout you need to get to your goal. When you sign up for our free 10 Day Trail, you are required to provide some personal details about you so that we can design your program specifically for you. Armageddon does not believe in a one-size-fit-all approach either. You are unique; shouldn’t your workout program be unique?



Regular price = $279.99

Get Armageddon for only:

  1. 1.      One Payment of $119.99
  2. 2.      3 payments of $39.99
  3. 3.      6 Payments of $19.99

Just add $14.95 for shipping

Product Summary

  • 10 Instructors – Real Scientists & Champion Athletes Instructors
  • 14 Hours of Workout Videos
  • Workouts Include – Strength Training for Toning and Amazing Weight Loss
  • Workouts Include Vinyasa and Hot Yoga for longer leaner muscles and flexibility
  • Includes, Physics, Biochemistry, Health Psychology and Nutrition Science
  • Armageddon Alpha Series Guide – Book
  • Personalized Nutrition Plan and Grocery Shopping List
  • Personalized Cardio Plan
  • Sports Injury Prevention Plan
  • Science of Weight Loss Plan
  • Free Personalized Coaching (Contact us with your questions and get complimentary one-on-one feedback)



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