Join us in putting an end to fads and gimmicks.
You see it everywhere, one trainer who is suppose to know everything , one doctor who is suppose to know everything, one diet that is suppose to deliver it all. The new magic shake or the new wonder drug. One man, one machine! This was the theme of the 80s. Rambo, Superman the one size fits all solution. While the movies were quite entertaining to watch and required that you sort of put your brain on ice during a two hour movie, we all knew that they did not reflect reality. Certainly we know that it takes more than one person to fight and win a battle, to advance science or to teach you what you need to know to get in shape. So if we know this to be true, why do we continue to subscribe to these false and misleading products and services. While movies may offer a great escape from life’s many stressors, not using a team of scientists, doctors and fitness experts collectively, not individually is quite an insane path for us to continue to take as a society.

I was watching a boxing match a few days ago and I couldn’t help but notice that the winner kept saying my team, my team, my team! Even thought he was the one who ultimately fought in the ring, he knew that his victory was not solely achieved based on his efforts alone, but instead by the collective efforts of all his coaches.

When it comes to weight loss and fitness we need to stop this madness.
What do you need to achieve true sustainable results? The answer is a team! Here at Armageddon Weigh Loss we have built and continue to develop the ultimate team consisting of Medical Doctors such as an endocrinologist, a Neuroscientist, a Gastroenterologist, an Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor and more. We also have many scientists such as a Physicist, a Health Chemist and Molecular Biologist and a Biochemist… all with PhDs! In addition, we also have a team of health experts such as Registered Dietitians; and I don’t mean a certified nutritionist! Certified nutritionist only go to school for a few months to get their certificate. I am talking about Clinical Registered Dietitians that have masters’ degrees in nutrition sciences. Plus, we also have a biomechanics expert with a master degree and a physical therapist with a doctorate degree. To complete our circle we also have champion athletes such as a 50 mile ultra runner champion, rowing champion and weight lifting champion.
Now compare our team to just one personal trainer in your neighborhood gym. Just because someone lives in your neighborhood does not make them the most qualified or the best! Are the best cars, telephones, or appliances necessarily made in your neighborhood? Most likely not. So just because some nice personal trainer with good intentions lives in your neighborhood does not mean he or she is the most qualified or have the best answers.
While we are at it, compare our team to one trainer featured on P90X, Insanity, Jillian Michaels’ Body Revolution or Jane Fonda’s workouts DVDs and you get the point really quick. We have a much more powerful, scientific, realistic weight loss exercise DVD program to help you achieve your results. Plus, compare our Weight Loss Exercise DVD program to Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem, neither of which offers ANY actual fitness instructions and again you see the flaws within these programs. How about that new HCG program, you know the ones with the drop that you take while you starve yourself eating only 500 calories per day? First starvation diets are simply not sustainable, therefore whatever result that you achieve are most likely not sustainable over long periods of time. In addition, most of these programs go to great length to convince you that you need numerous shakes, supplements and magic specialty food items to achieve your results… Rubbish!

As I have said over and over, approximately 66% of our population are currently overweight and by 2020 in just 8 years, 75% of our population is projected to be overweight. By 2040 if we continue this trend it is projected that 100% of our population will be overweight. And as I have also said, while I don’t expect literally everyone will be overweight; what is quite clear is that there will be rampant increases in heart disease, cancers and diabetes and a collective reduction in the quality of life for all Americans. These are not random strangers that I am talking about either. These are your husband or wife or partners, your children, your cousins and your aunt and uncles. The neighbor down the street or the kind person at church who volunteer in your community. We must stop this madness. It’s time to put science first. Here at Armageddon Weight Loss our goal is to continue to advance the progress of weight loss fitness science by utilizing highly qualified doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes, gathered in one world… ArmageddonWorld.Com!
If you have not tried Armageddon Weight Loss Exercise DVD Program, you really should to give us a try. Come see why we have the best weight loss exercise DVD program on the market. Come see why Armageddon Weight Loss is the world’s largest, most personalized, most scientific based and simply the best weight loss DVD program on the market.
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