Exercise isn’t enough: Why you can’t ignore nutrition

Even way worse, are supplements, fads and gimmick peddling companies who continue to trick and deceive us in to buying their unnecessary products and services just to make a dollar. We simply cannot and should not as specie allow fads and gimmick peddling companies to continue to promote and market their pseudo science (fake science) products above healthy scientifically proven healthy methods. The price is just too high. The price is your wife, husband, mother, father, children, your best friends and our neighbors’ health.  The price is your health and your life itself. Don’t give in to their amazing marketing tactics, we must end their deceptions!

There’s a popular phrase among health and fitness professionals that goes a little something like this “Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.”  The nutrition part of your weight loss DVD journey is just as important as the fitness DVD portion. Food is fuel and should be treated that way.

 A huge problem in the weight loss and fitness DVD industry is the mistake of focusing on just one aspect of overall fitness and health.

Typically with exercise DVDs consumers are only provided with a one-size-fits-all workout plan with no nutritional information to back it up. If a personalized nutrition plan is available, it is almost always at an additional cost to the fitness DVDs themselves. To achieve the kind of fitness results these weight loss fitness DVD programs are portraying on their website and advertisements (which are often fitness models and not real participants anyway) there has to be a strong personalized nutritional element.

Another common misconception in the fitness DVD and weight loss DVD industry is that complete and proper nutrition can only come from supplements.

One of the many reasons Armageddon Weight Loss is the best exercise program to lose weight is because it does not require the use or purchase of supplements. All the proper nutrition the human body needs can be acquired from a balanced diet with very minor exceptions. This is scientifically proven. To find real life proof, take a look at our Armageddon Weight Loss DVD success stories and client page. All of our participants are real, everyday people who followed a personalized program from Armageddon Weight Los and achieved phenomenal results; all without the use of supplements.

 66% of our population are overweight, and each year we increase this percentage by one point. Thus, by 2020 in eight years, 75% of our population will be overweight. If this projection is correct, by 2040 in just 27 years, 100% of our population is projected be overweight. 

Many weight loss exercise DVD programs emphasize the need for supplements in your diet and then sell them directly to you. Does this seem suspect to you? How convenient that something you “need to have” is something that company also sells. These weight loss DVD programs are experts at marketing supplements, which is evidenced by the fact that the supplement industry is a 32 billion dollar industry.

Shocking statistics

Yet, what is striking is that, according to the CDC 66% of our population are overweight, and each year we increase this percentage by one point. Thus, by 2020 in eight years, 75% of our population will be overweight. If this projection is correct, by 2040 in just 27 years, 100% of our population is projected be overweight. Now, while I don’t believe that everyone will be overweight in 2040, certainly I am hoping I won’t be forced against my will to eat a cheeseburger just to conform to the new “normal”; what is very clear is that there will be rampant increases in heart diseases, strokes, cancers and diabetes.

It is far easier to identify junk food manufacturers these day; many of us know who they are and what they are selling. What is harder is to identify, are the wolves in sheep clothing companies who try to attach healthy names to very unhealthy foods.  Even way worse, are supplements, fads and gimmick peddling companies who continue to trick and deceive us in to buying their unnecessary products and services just to make a dollar. We simply cannot and should not as specie allow fads and gimmick peddling companies to continue to promote and market their pseudo science (fake science) products above healthy scientifically proven healthy methods. The price is just too high. The price is your wife, husband, mother, father, children, your best friends and our neighbors’ health.  The price is your health and your life itself. Don’t give in to their amazing marketing tactics, we must end their deceptions!

Why Armageddon is the best weight loss Exercise DVD Program

In addition to our outstanding customizable exercise DVD program that covers strength training, cardio, flexibility, correct biomechanics, health psychology, biochemistry, the physics of weight loss, injury prevention and so much more, each participant also gets a fully personalized nutrition program to help them reach their weight loss and fitness goals. Plus we also provide personalized cardio based on your fitness levels and also the science of weight loss so that you will learn scientifically how to lose weight and keep it off. The goal for us here at Armageddon Weight Loss is to teach you how to achieve true sustainable weight loss based on hard science.

All of the following nutritional aspects are also included in Armageddon’s weight loss DVD program:

1)     Personalized meal plans

2)     Personalized nutrition guide

3)     Personalized grocery list

4)     Armageddon nutritional DVD

Additional nutritional knowledge and instructions are also directly included in your Armageddon Weight Loss DVD program. There is no extra charge.

Scientifically Impossible not to lose weight with Armageddon Weight Loss Program

It scientifically impossible to not lose weight if you follow your personalized program designed by Armageddon’s team of real scientists, doctors, and fitness experts, including registered dietitians and champion athletes.  We know this is a huge claim but we stand by this promise. When coupled with the customized cardio and strength-training program, every participant in the Armageddon fitness DVD program will lose weight!

Armageddon comes with

Complimentary Personalized Coaching – NO EXTRA CHARGE  


In addition, each participant not only receives a truly personalized nutrition program, and exercise regimen, you are also assigned a professional health coach to help you through your journey. NO OTHER PROGRAM OFFERS THIS SERVICE FOR AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Only with all aspects addressed can participants reach their health and fitness goals in a safe, effective, and healthy way.

On the other side of the coin, there are plenty of weight loss programs that only focus on the nutritional aspects of weight loss forcing you to just count points, eat prepackaged meal (which by the way does not teach you how to eat correctly), or have a one size fits all approach.  While these programs may help you drop the pounds, they too only address one part of a healthy body; with most sorely lacking any true instruction on exercise beyond telling you that you need to “do some”.

 Marketing Deception 

These types of program typically leave the real work up to you to figure it out, and then claim credit when you get there. When you see these commercials you often see success stories and testimonial as if it was just their nutrition instructions that was responsible for the results of these people who are featured; most participants who are most often very toned. The savvier fad peddling companies try to get by this fact by mentioning that proper diet and exercise is required. However, beyond saying that exercise is necessary no instructions are provided. That’s like providing someone with tires and gas, telling them they need an engine for their car, never providing them with one and then claiming credit for them making it from Boston to California driving.  By the way, it is scientifically impossible to be toned just from nutrition alone; so for all those nutrition program that keep featuring tight toned bodies achieved by just using their nutrition products, that is quite misleading!

Real Honest Results

Getting fit and ripped requires more than just a nutrition plan. A whole lot more is going on and is required to get you there. By the way, following a nutrition program alone is not the healthiest way to lose weight.  A thin person with low muscle mass can be just as unhealthy as an overweight person. So you need a more comprehensive approach to achieve true sustainability.

 Join us in our fight against fads and gimmicks

At Armageddon we have built the best weight loss DVD for women and men available because we continue to do our very best to address as many aspects of science as possible to address fitness and health. Our promise is to continue to seek out the best and brightest minds, to learn, research and develop our understanding about how the human body function and to teach you how help it functions as efficiently as possible.  Armageddon means the final battle; this is our battle against fads and gimmicks… Join us and change your life!

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