Are you being discriminated against because you are trying to become fit? When Corrie, completed Armageddon Weight Loss Alpha Series she was so excited and felt so proud of her achievement until she shared her excitement with one of her very good friends and coworkers. “I thought you looked much better in your before picture!” said her coworker. When Brook shared with one of her good friends how much fun she was having losing weight and getting in shape; one of her coworkers told her “I thought you would have lost more by now for all that hard work you have been doing”. Cindy’s coworkers and boss told her that she “was anorexic and needed a sandwich”. Brook overheard one coworker telling another coworker, here comes the “food disorder girl”. It appears that eating a salad for lunch in their eyes is now considered a food disorder.
Damming statistics
Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970’s in the US. (National Center for Health Statistics, 2009). More than two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese. Recent national data show that 82.0 percent of Black women and 77.2 percent of Hispanic women are overweight or obese compared to 63.2 percent of White women. About a quarter of 2-5 year olds and one-third of school-age children (including adolescents) are overweight or obese in the U.S. (Ogden et al., 2014).
Being fit is now a minority status
The above stats are quite damming, however, the added effect of trying to become fit and healthy in a society where the majority of the population is now overweight and moving to much higher levels of obesity is even more challenging than ever. If the average woman now wears a size 14 dress, then it is obvious that by being fit and at your ideal weight range makes you now a minority; and with that comes consequences. Say your boss is overweight, 53 percent of our doctors are overweight, 55 percent of nurses are overweight, the majority of your politician/lawmakers are overweight, the majority of the people who teach or feed your children are overweight or obese; it is not hard to see that trying to function in such a society would have consequences for those who are fit or those trying to become fit and healthy.
The environmental consequences are real

Carlos achieved more sustained weight loss than any contestant on the Biggest Loser TV show. Carlos is now training to compete in the Olympics in Rio…WOW!
From a raw physics point of view, if you are larger, based on a new environmental study “Compared with a normal population distribution of BMI, a population with 40% obese requires 19% more food energy for its total energy expenditure.” – NPHIRU, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health. What this means is that the more overweight people we have on the planet the larger their carbon foot print. Therefore, the heavier you are, the more materials that are required to make larger clothes, to transport you, the more food is required to feed you and the more waste that is generated. If you are overweight or obese should you pay more than someone who is fitter, healthier and lighter in weight? Based on the overwhelming research data, it appears that for those who are simply trying to convince themselves and the public that “fat and fit” goes together, their claims must be scientifically invalid for many reasons beyond just the personal biological consequences.
What is Vanity Sizing and why should we fight back against this trend
We should not accept a lowered expectation of fitness and health by simply creating a “new normal” for health and fitness. We simply should not just make larger cups, larger chairs and larger vehicles as the solution. The practice of assigning smaller sizes to articles of manufactured clothing than is really the case, is called “Vanity Sizing”. Vanity Sizing is a very real practice used by many retail/ department stores and manufacturing companies to sell more products. So, instead of encouraging the public to become healthier and losing weight, they are instead take an actual size 14 dress and telling the customer that it is really a size 10. These type of marketing practices continues to enable the customer by creating a false sense of security about where they actually are health wise.
Do not give up control of your health to anyone

All 10 of Sharon’s family members died from Obesity. Read her powerful story on our testimonial page.
Fit discrimination does not just affect fit people; it also affects those who are trying to get fit by creating an environment that does not cultivate healthy habits. Just think of the last time you had to stay late at work and your boss decided to order pizza instead of healthy options; even after you told him you had a health condition or you were trying to become healthy. Majority rules, and you are NOT the majority!
Less that 5% of adults participate in 30 minute of activity each day.
According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, “More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities, and more than 80% of adolescents do not do enough aerobic physical activity to meet the guidelines for youth. This is particularly sad because the total number of Americans with gym memberships is 45,300,000! Part of the problem is that purchasing a gym membership does not mean that you know what to do once you get that gym membership and most personal trainers are poorly trained, overpriced and many times out of shape themselves!
Fighting back

As a military man, Darren was shocked how his weight skyrocketed over the year. After Armageddon Weight Loss he is a changed man.
We must all do our part to fight the undertow of fitness discrimination whether direct or indirectly inflicted. We must find healthy ways to push back against individuals who are hurtful or who try to convince you that it is OK to be overweight or obese because it is better than being thin. Fat vs. thin or obese vs. thin are false choices. Neither are good choices. The goal is to be fit and healthy at your ideal weight. Where are the volume of fit healthy people who are dropping dead each year at a higher rate than fat or thin people?
· Projections estimate that by 2018, obesity will cost the U.S. 21 percent of our total healthcare costs – $344 billion annually.
· The annual cost of being overweight is $524 for women and $432 for men; annual costs for being obese are even higher: $4,879 for women and $2,646 for men
· Obesity is also a growing threat to national security – a surprising 27% of young Americans are too overweight to serve in our military. – Patriotism anyone?
Being overweight cannot be the new normal
Being overweight or obese is a destabilizing force that has consequence that is affecting every aspect of our planet and is projected to get even worse unless we change our trajectory. The next time someone says something unpleasant to you while trying to become fit and healthy; don’t just react with your own unkind prejudice responses, stop and think about how what you are doing is not only changing your own personal health, but also literally making the world a better place. Keep moving forward on your Armageddon Weight Loss fitness journey and maybe perhaps someday your coworker or friend will join you on that journey.
Bruce Wayne is the creator of Armageddon Weight Loss, a new pioneering program taught by 16 medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. Their best client has achieved more sustained weight loss than any contestant on the biggest loser TV show. Over 40% of their clients work in the medical field such as cardiovascular surgeons, scientists, and nurses both in the US and globally; clients choose their program because it is affordable, very personalized, comes with complimentary coaching and is based on hard science. To learn more visit Armageddon Weight Loss at