Ladies you can lose weight after 40 without hormones, drugs or supplements.


Kim is over 40 years old, She lost weight and got totally ripped! No Drugs! No Supplements! No Surgery! No Nonsense, Just Armageddon – Learn How to use real Science to get your results. Get our 10 Day Free Trial!

Lately, there are more and more commercial on the market pitching hormone drugs for women and testosterone drugs for men over 40 years old. These ads claim that it is nearly impossible to lose weight after 40 years old without prescription drugs.

“Menopause Weight Gain”

If you’re over 40, you’re probably fighting excess menopause weight gain. roughly 90% of all women between the ages of 40 and 55 struggle to lose extra body fat. Even worse, it’s a different type of fat. In your 20s and 30s, you probably lost unwanted pounds by simply eating a little less and exercising a little more.

Now, losing that extra weight is much more difficult. In fact, middle-aged women often complain that no amount of dieting or exercise can eliminate their belly fat. Despite all efforts, their bodies slowly transition from a pear shape to an apple shape. Why? The answer is both simple and complex: it all begins with your hormones”.

These ads typically comprise common themes riddled with distorted bogus pseudo science claims with one goal in mind as the solution… DRUGS, SUPPLEMENTS! If you believe these snake oil salespeople, the solution to all your weight loss fitness ailments are found in a bottle, at the tip of a syringe or at the blade of a scalpel. What a wonderful webs they weave trying to deceive you that a true holistic approach is not effective compared to their one dimensional program that lack any serious hard weight loss fitness science.  At the end of these advertisements/stores as you might guess, they try to tell you that what you really needed to solve your problem are drugs that are prescribed by your doctor or some new miracle supplement.

First, I am not anti-drugs, anti-surgery or anti-supplements! However the average age for my clients is about 35 – 45 years old, both male and female. Carlos lost over 238 pound, Carlos is over 40 years old, no drugs! Kim is over 40 year’s old, take a look at her pictures on our website, she is totally ripped… again, no drugs or supplements. Ruben is over 40 years old he is totally ripped! Once again, no drugs!

Ruben over 40 years old. No drugs, no hormones, no supplement. Get ripped, lose body fat and look amazing!

The reason that companies peddle drugs and supplements as the best and most effective solutions while discrediting the true science of weight loss is because most lack the deep scientific knowledge and understanding about how to effectively achieve sustainable lose weight and also because they have a profit motive that supersedes their basic moral fiber! A recent study found that while 66% of the population is overweight, 53 % of all our doctors are also overweight. The study also found that those physicians that were overweight were less likely to bring up weight loss during yearly checkups. One could also extrapolate from these studies that if these doctors are overweight, and most did not go to school to learn weight loss fitness science specifically, why we should consider them the ultimate source for weight loss fitness when they are not much healthier than the general public! When it comes to sustainable weight loss fitness successes, the learning is in the doing. Therefore, for those assuming that you understanding the intellectual components without execution of these weight loss fitness theories that you continue to pass on to others, your suggestion and advice will often delivers flawed, unsustainable outcomes.

While I am not anti-doctors and we have many on our team, my point is that one person or one type of exercise such as running, biking, or yoga or one type of food will not deliver the outcome that people honestly need to get to their goal.

There is also the role of personal responsibility and a large dose of humility required of the general public to come to terms that we as a country and society collectively do not truly understand weight loss fitness science. Just because your friend lost a bunch of weight does not mean him or her truly scientifically understand how it actually happened. I once read a story in my history class as a kid about the first roasted pig. Essentially, one of the houses way back then caught on fire with a pig that got stuck in the house. The owner was so upset about losing his pig that when he tried to console the roasted pet his finger penetrated the pigs hide. As you may imagine, the pig was so hot the owner stuck his finger into his mouth in order to soothe the burn from the smoking hot roasted pig. Low and behold, he could not help noticing how delicious the roasted pig tasted. What happened next were a series of house fires all with pigs placed in these houses. My point is that you could roast a pig without burning down your house to get there. When you understand true weight loss exercise science there is less risk and you are more efficient in your execution. In addition, sometime what you think is the vehicle that got you to your destination does not directly reflect scientifically how you actually got there.  When you throw an apple up in the air you know it will fall to the ground. However, understanding the laws of gravity and how it actually affects the apple is a real game changer.

Here are some stats to reinforce my point. 66% of the population is currently overweight and by 2020 in 8 years about 75% of our population is projected to be overweight. We are increasing by 1 percentage point per year. Therefore, by 2040 based on this projection 100% of our population will be overweight! Now, I don’t expect that literally 100% of our population will be overweight because I will be working out and some of you, however smaller the percentage will be in 2040 will still be working out. As for the bunch of dinosaurs who continue to peddle and follow the current pseudo science pathways riddled with fads and gimmicks, your days are numbered before Armageddon is upon you!

If you were planning on having a surgical procedure would you choose a mechanic to select the team of medical experts that are required to have the best outcomes? To build the most effective weight loss fitness program you need to choose highly qualified experience scientists, champion athletes, dietitians, psychologist and other wellness experts who are capable of delivering personalized program based on your unique needs.

What you need to understand is that once you understand the science of weight loss, first you will be sort of angry about the deception in the market place, but at the same time you will feel exhilarated and free knowing that the power is within you to change your circumstance. All you need is a good dose to some serious hard weight loss fitness science and a bit of commitment and motivation to get there.

Andrea used Armageddon to get into the best shape of her life. Order the world’s largest weight loss exercise fitness and nutrition DVD Program and get into the best shape of your life!

Armageddon is the only program on the market that utilized 10 real degreed scientists and champion athlete instructors to develop the world’s largest weight loss fitness program that is personalized base on your unique needs. No drugs, supplements or surgery are required and definitely no gimmicks. Choose real science! Choose Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program and see the difference honest people with high integrity offering a more sustainable path can do for you. Get a 10 day free trial today. Order Armageddon Exercise and nutrition DVD Program and change your life!

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