“One size fits all” weight loss DVD programs myths

Selecting the best tool to get the job done depends on what the job is that you are trying to accomplish.

One size fits all. It’s a phrase we are all familiar with. Have you ever stopped to think about how rarely this is actually the best and most efficient solution? How about one size fits all tires that are the most efficient fit for a tractor trailer that also works best for a bicycle? How about one size fits all baby shoes that also works best for an adults?  Of course it’s may seem quite easy to say a knife, spoon and a fork are all one size fits all efficient solutions. Slam dunk proof that one size fits all works, right? Oh, really… So why are there so many types of knives for carving, cooking, and cutting, so many different types of spoons for soups and teas and so many different types of forks? Selecting the best tool to get the job done depends on what the job is that you are trying to accomplish. Thus, while you “might” be able to get by or get lucky or survive using a one size fits all approach, when it comes to your health, personalizing your plan is a more efficient and effective approach to help you achieve true sustainable weight loss fitness results.


Now that we have established that a one size fits all approach is not the most efficient option, why is it that most weight loss fitness DVD programs continue to sell one size fits all solutions? One reason is that it is great from a manufacturing and marketing point of view. Manufacturing and selling standardize products often reduces cost and increases profit margins.  Personalizing your weight loss fitness DVD program can be more time consuming and can generate less profit margin for the manufacturer.  It’s easier to take one fitness DVD program, find a few people it worked for, and reposition it as a one size fits all solution.  These types of weight loss exercise programs have led the vast majority of the population to believe that their exercise DVD program will work for them just because it worked for a few people or even for a close friend or family member. In addition, when that one size fits all weight loss DVD program doesn’t work for them, they feel discouraged and worry they will never find a program that works for them. This cycle can be vicious and unhealthy; especially for consumers who continually try different one size fits all weight loss exercise DVDs.

Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program – A new revolution in fitness

The truth is humans are all beautifully different with different wants and desires.  For example, take a look at two Armageddon participants Carlos and Heather. Carlos is a man who needed to lose over 200 pounds. Heather is a woman who needed to lose a much smaller amount of weight. For someone of Carlos statue and fitness level, his weight loss, fitness and nutrition program needed to be drastically different than Heather’s. Someone of Carlos’ size would need a drastically different cardio program than someone of Heather’s size. Even if Heather and Carlos were the same weight, men and women’s bodys respond to exercise and nutrition differently for many reasons such as hormones, muscles mass etc.. If both Carlos and Heather had purchased a one size fits all fitness exercise and nutrition program it is likely that one or both of their efforts might have ended in failure or even injury.

With Armageddon weight loss exercise DVD program, each participant receives a customized and personalized program and a coach that is tailored to their specific needs. There are other exercise DVD programs that claim personalization, but the burden of that falls on the consumer. The reason the consumer has purchased a weight loss DVD in first place is because they need guidance. Consumers are not all well versed in the science that goes into fitness and nutrition, so leaving customization up to them is the most ineffective strategy. Here at Armageddon we create and personalize your programs using our extensive experience instead of leaving it up to you to figure it out for yourself.  In addition, Armageddon Weight Loss Exercise DVD program is developed by real scientists, Medical Doctors, Champion Athletes and Fitness Experts including fitness experts such as registered dietitians and a physical therapist. We combine their knowledge to develop the most personalized scientific weight loss fitness program so that you have the best path to get to your goal.  Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program is the only program that is truly customized and personalized based on your goals.  Not only is a personalized program the best choice to get to your goals, it also helps to prevent injuries.


In addition, with Armageddon Weight Loss Program you get the best nutrition program for weight loss tailored to your specific needs designed and selected by our team of experts.  One of the secret to Armageddon weight loss fitness DVD program is the coaching. No other program includes personalized coaching in their exercise DVD system without an extra charge. With a personal coach on your side, your personalized wellness program can be further tailored to suit your needs throughout the entire process.  Unlike other programs, your coach is not just some unqualified marketing agent disguised as a coach whose real intention is to sell you more products and services. Your Armageddon coach is a highly qualified wellness expert that has over 20 years experience.  No other fitness DVD program offers this level of professional customization. So the next time you see someone on TV selling you a one size fits all workout or weight loss DVD program tell them thanks but no thanks you have found a better way, a more sustainable way, you found Armageddon Weigh Loss!

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