With the litany of weight loss DVD programs for women to help you get rid of cellulite fast or cellulite diet programs on the market today; each promising that they are the best weight loss program that will get you to lose weight fast, how do you tell which are just a bunch of hype and which are the real deal? Big and small companies alike have gotten very good at selling their fads and pseudoscience -(fake or incomplete science) – products and services. As soon as there is a new terminology on the market such as wellness; like a bunch of chameleons these smoke-and-mirror-marketers rush to mask themselves into a new cloak selling the same old snake-oil. Nothing has really changed here, just using different words and terminologies and before you know it they are claiming to offer the best weight loss videos.

These guys are the worst!

About 2 years ago, I was on the phone talking to a marketer and filling her in a bit on a “new concept” that we were working on. By the end of the conversation, she acted as if she originated the concept and was using it for years. Yes, folks, they are that fast! As soon as there is a new concept that seem like it might have some value many of these guys are quick to push you out of the way and quick to use your concept to maximize sales for their clients.

The Word “Wellness” is meaningless

Remember the word “wellness”? Only a few years ago it was a novel word that appeared to differentiate a solid health and weight loss program from many of the fads and gimmicks on the market. Today, when you visit your local pharmacy they have “wellness” sections with just a bunch of shakes and supplements. Even the people who peddle “body wraps” call their bogus scientific program “wellness programs” and are quick to offer you weight loss tips on how to lose weight fast.

Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program

choose your dietHow to identify BS when you see it

I recently visited Barnes & Nobel Bookstore to see a sign that said “Choose Your Diet”. I was shocked, even after 30 years fitness experience! “Choose your diet” would be like telling someone to “choose your gravity” as if there were multiple choices. This flawed approach that suggest that there are “multiple nutrition sciences” and you get to choose the one your want is just ridiculous. Before these guys move into treatment mode offering “diet solutions”, it would be mighty important for them to learn some basic nutrition science. It was very clear that they would not be able to identify what the best weight loss program for women or particularly the best weight loss program for women over 40 or the best weight loss program for women over 50. Understanding what type of nutrition the human body needs to function efficiently is an ongoing learning process, however, at this point in our human history we know quite a lot; still a lot more to know, but still enough to spot “BS” when we see it. These marketers are betting on the fact that the general public is so confused by misinformation that you can be tricked into buying their snake oil…. AGAIN!

Mark - Before and After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best Weight Loss DVD for women and men - LOST OVER 100 POUNDSFocus on Real Solutions Based On Hard Science
Focus on learning basic nutrition science not just purchasing workout DVDs or a weight loss DVDs. You need all of those and so much more.  Once you learn it, then you can decide on your personal food preferences such as being a vegetarian or a meat eater to get those essential ingredients that your body requires to be healthy. Once you learn basic nutrition science you will be able to easily apply your personal values to issues such as animal cruelty prevention or being environmentally conscious.

In this new era that we live in marketer are even savvier than ever, they know that if they just keep making the same old bogus claims to entice you with claims of fast workout plans or tell you this is the best weight loss workout program with some flashy young person that you might just believe it, especially if they just add a new spin. It is time to take back control of your health and protect yourself against these fast talkers.


Dr Jarrous - Before and After Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight Loss DVD program for men and women - best exercise DVD program -RIPPED

The best weight loss DVD program – Taught by 22 medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and athletes.

Armageddon Weight Loss Program is the best weight loss program developed by a team of 22 medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts, and champion athletes combined. Armageddon Weight Loss is the world’s largest weight loss DVD program. It is 40% larger than P90X, Insanity and twice as large of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. 40% of our clients work in the medical field. Medical doctors such as cardiovascular surgeons and nurse practitioner choose Armageddon Weight Loss when they personally want to lose weight and get in shape. We believe this helps to further validate the strength of the science that we use to deliver results.

Cindy - Armageddon Weight Loss

Armageddon taught Cindy how to lose cellulite fast – Cindy 10 weeks later.

Complimentary Coaching

Your program is personalized for you and comes with complimentary coaching; that means no additional cost for your coaching and you coach is there so answer your many questions and to make needed adjustment to your program as you progress.

Corrie before and after Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight loss DVD program for women - the best cellulite removal program - best exercise DVD - WOMEN and men


Amazing Before & After Pictures and Testimonials

To learn more, check out our many before and after pictures and listen to our testimonial videos here to see some amazing before and after pictures. Honesty and Integrity is back! Give us a try and come get your Armageddon Body!

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