Author Archives: Bruce Wayne

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget erat vitae enim suscipit ultricies quis a lectus. Aenean eget mauris eu risus semper lacinia. Ut ac accumsan dui. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec condimentum ultrices tristique. Praesent condimentum arcu eu laoreet iaculis. Curabitur id lorem in tortor egestas pharetra nec suscipit velit. Integer mattis dui id iaculis congue. Ut ut enim ut nunc luctus interdum eget in magna. Proin semper blandit tortor, quis porttitor risus. Ut nec massa orci. Integer vehicula id magna a commodo.

Etiam et sodales purus, eu imperdiet neque. Sed ut elit dolor. Aenean in augue quis mi commodo lacinia. Mauris fringilla non sapien non scelerisque. Mauris quis ipsum eget metus interdum fringilla ac ut ipsum. Curabitur tincidunt, justo eget pellentesque pellentesque, massa turpis sodales arcu, vitae sodales mi purus in dolor. Curabitur gravida metus elit, sit amet mattis nisl sagittis in. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi convallis urna a eros laoreet, in scelerisque urna dapibus. Morbi et lectus venenatis, lacinia lorem sed, vestibulum justo. Nullam adipiscing condimentum est et accumsan.

NO DRUGS – NO SUPPLEMENTS    NO CREAMS – NO LIPOSUCTION My name is Cindy Grier; I am 37 years old, a mother of one, a former MRI Technician, a fulltime employee at Philips Healthcare in Alpharetta Georgia, a wife and an avid runner.  After finishing the Disney’s Princess Half Marathon, February 2012, I was so eager to see my pictures. I felt awesome and thought I was in great shape. Certainly completing my first half marathon after having my baby was a great achievement. I was so excited about the race that one of my friends even loaned me a pair of her shorts that were shorter than the usual ones I would normally wear. However, what happened next was quite unexpected and not what I was prepared to see. I went online, excited to check out my pictures and what did I see? Cellulite!  My entire legs and body were just one big cellulite factory! I was so disappointed that I began crying. I was so embarrassed! I felt like everyone at the race must have been looking at my legs and going ewwwww!

Cindy - Before & After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD for women and men, Best exercise dvd 1

More Insults

Then to add even more insult to my injury, Disney has this picture archived so that everyone can see it and it most likely will be there for an eternity just like Fantasia! Yes, I was freaking out! I was sort of in disbelief, so I told some of my coworkers and friends about how my legs looked and that I had these pictures that were taken of me that made my legs look horrible. However they reassured me that “you look great”. “You don’t need to worry about anything, you are fine”. Of course, none of them had actually seen me in a pair of shorts so they really honestly had no way of knowing for sure. So against my better judgment and causing myself further embarrassment I shared the pictures with them.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, was as shocked as I was. I got lots of “wow” and “damn! I had no idea it was that bad!” One person even commented “yes that does look terrible”. I went home feeling evened more disgusted with myself.

Cindy before and after Armageddon

Real Honesty

That evening I stood in front of my mirror just like Snow White. Ladies, you know what I mean. That moment that you have a real look at yourself in a moment of complete honesty and come to terms with what you really look like with all the lights on. Mirror mirror on the wall who has the most cellulite of them all; and that damn mirror responded back… Cindy, Cindy has more cellulite that all the fair ladies in all the kingdoms! Fat she may not look in clothes BUT… beneath those not so fancy garments is a hidden secret. The curse of cellulite!

Running Was Not Enough

I realized in that moment that running alone was not enough I needed a more well-rounded holistic program.  I needed professional help. I had tried other programs in the past, including many personal trainers, workout DVDs and many of the popular diets. These personal trainers would prescribe the typical workout routines such as squats, lunges, crunches and provided me with a general nutrition plan. It really did not get any sustainable results. All the results that I had gotten after having my baby were just from running; but after seeing my legs and my belly hanging out during that race, I knew I needed to find a true solution. That is when I found Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program.


IMAG1454---Cindy-10-weeks-after-Armageddon-Weight-Loss-Exercise-Program--- Cindy's Testimonial - Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness DVD Program - Best Weight Loss DVD for women and men- New

How I did it

On my very first day of Armageddon Weight Loss, I was told specifically by Bruce Wayne, my coach, that the reason why I was not achieving sustainable results was because I did not understand the science of weight loss and that I did not have a truly scientific personalized program tailored to achieve my objectives. I was told that while there was no actual scientific cure for cellulite currently available, Bruce Wayne, the creator of Armageddon weight loss could help create a plan to reduce the appearance of cellulite significantly. Cindy - Before & After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD for women and men, Best exercise dvd 2What really attracted me to Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program was that it was created by numerous medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. Bruce Wayne, the creator of Armageddon Weight Loss has over 30 years of experience. He worked on the Bone Marrow Transplant, Lungs Transplant, Burn and Trauma Intensive Care units at Harvard Medical School teaching hospital. He is also a researcher, a product developer, a champion athlete and so much more.

The Science

Bruce Wayne said that even after 30 years of training he still did not know everything about weight loss or fitness science even though his clients had lost more weight than any of the people on those popular weight loss TV shows. He firmly believes that the best way to get to your goals is to get many experts together from many different scientific disciplines to make a contribution to help us advance our understanding about weight loss and fitness Science; and of course, to reduce my cellulite. I wanted my cellulite it gone, like yesterday! My Armageddon Weight Loss team designed a very personalized program that consisted of strength training, nutrition, cardio, and hard science that fit my busy lifestyle. Over the next 10 weeks I watched my body transform. They also assigned me a coach, Bruce Wayne, the creator of Armageddon Weight Loss. Everyone needs a superhero and Bruce Wayne was mine. Not only did my cellulite appearance disappear, I also got stronger, more toned and faster. I began winning road races for the first time in my life. I placed in three 5K road races almost back-to-back and ran my best half marathon time (2 hours 7 minutes) in the Athens Half Marathon (Athens, GA Half Marathon, October 2012).

What I Learned

What I have learned through this experience is that you must be very honest with yourself. Take constructive feedback from others even when they may not present the feedback “tactfully”. Focus on what you can change. Choose science over gimmicks; and if you ever want an honest program created by people with high integrity that includes medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes, choose Armageddon Weight Loss. Fads and gimmicks don’t work, even personal trainers who are well intentioned are not enough, one person simply cannot know everything. That is what I see on TV all the time, One machine, one person, one dance video; what you need is an highly qualified “team” of experts to help you achieve “sustainable” results. I found my team; Find yours! I am returning to Disney in 2014 for another half marathon and can’t wait to see my amazing pictures. Today I bought a bigger mirror! Now bring it on Snow White! I bet you can’t run or complete 10 pushups!

SuccessCindy - Armageddon Weight Loss afer images

Corrie Rose - Before & After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD program for women and men 2017 -1The Secret to my Amazing Butt

Corrie Rose - Armageddon Weight Loss - Best Weight Loss DVD for women, Perfect Butt, Best exercise DVD

Corrie Rose, I am 38 years old and I live in Pikeville North Carolina. I’m in a bathing suit most of the summer and even though I was not disappointed in how I looked in my clothes, my bathing suit was a different story. In my early 20’s I was the perfect size, with a cute butt, and toned legs. In my mid to late 20’s I packed on 10 pounds and in my 30’s packed on another 10 pounds. Now at age 38 I was 20 pounds overweight with cellulite legs and a very saggy butt.  I thought about surgical procedures that would include a knife, lots of recovery time, and lots of money. Watch Corries testimonial video below and listen to her radio interview. Listen to Corrie’s Radio Show Interview click here.



Corrie - Before Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight loss DVD for women and men - The best exercise program for reducing cellulite -2

Listen to Corrie’s Radio Show Interview click here

Over the years I tried many expensive creams and lotions, diet plans, weight loss drinks, personal trainers, insane DVD’s, and even had expensive laser treatments. I would get some results and then gain it all back. While visiting my dermatologist office my esthetician recommended that I try Armageddon Weight Loss. She said she learned about the program in New Beauty Magazine winter issue in an article titled “Banishing Cellulite”. The program was reasonably priced, so I decided to purchase the program; what did I have to lose? I would just add it to all the other products I have tried if it did not work. What drew me to the program was the that it was taught by a team of 16 medical doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes and that the program was personalized and came with a personal coach. Once I started Armageddon Weight Loss I quickly realized the many things I had been doing over the last 20 years were all wrong. The combination of proper nutrition, cardio, and strength training, and evidence based science personalized for you created amazing results with the knowledge of how to keep my results.

In addition to the weight loss, I also had awesome results with my yearly physical. I have battled to keep my cholesterol under 200 over the last several years. I had my blood drawn before I started the program and in just 3 months my cholesterol went from 197 to 146. With proper nutrition, I will no longer need to worry about cholesterol problems and will be healthier for years to come. In addition to my lower cholesterol I also have dealt with adult acne. Over the past 3 months my acne has slowly improved and now I rarely have break outs. In just 3 months, I’m in the best shape mentally and physically than I have ever been in, my cellulite is gone, and my butt looks amazing. I owe it all to Bruce Wayne and his team! Thank you Bruce Wayne! Hard work, dedication, determination, proper nutrition, cardio, strength training, evidence based science… I AM ARMEGGEDON!! P:S: After seeing my results my esthetician ordered Armageddon Weight Loss for herself! Lol, true story!

Corrie Rose - Before & After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD program for women and men 2017 -jan

FROM 446 TO 208                                  NO DRUGS – NO SURGERY

Carlos – Lost 238.6 lbs – Won numerous gold medals in state and regional rowing championships and also competed in the International indoor rowing championships where he won 6th in the world!   He is currently training to compete in the 2016 Olympics in Rio, Brazil and he has coached his daughter to set 2 world record in rowing . She earned the American and world record for heavyweight women 12 and under for a half-marathon on the erg, and also earned an American and world record for 12 and under women for a full marathon on the erg in 2013.  IT TAKES AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF KNOWLEDGE, SCIENCE AND EXPERIENCE TO GET SOMEONE TO LOSE 238 POUNDS. As you can imagine, weighing over 446 pounds is not a comfortable place. As a frequent flier Carlos ended up either flying first class, or using little tricks to make sure that there was always an empty middle seat next to him. “One time at a Mexican restaurant I had a chair literally explode under me in the middle of lunch”.


Read His Story


Carlos before Armageddon Weight Loss Exercise Program - Check out his after pictureFor years he has endured many unfair stigmas about fat people including that they are just lazy, or that they are not as smart, and so much more. When you listen to Carlos you realize that the world can be a very cruel place for a very overweight person. Couple this with working a full time job and being the father of 5 children with two children under 3 years old at the time this video was created! Using the Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Program, both Alpha and Omega Series, Carlos has transformed himself into the most amazing, powerful super-hero the world has ever seen! Yes, he is a super-hero to us! Carlos lost 238.6 pounds and is ripped. Not with drugs, not with a bunch of untested supplements, not with surgery, just Armageddon Weight Loss Fitness Science and hard work.

Not only did Carlos lose 238.6 pounds, Carlos became a ferocious athlete! You heard me, athlete! Carlos has competed with elite athletes including a former Olympian in regional and international indoor rowing competitions and has won gold in 2010 and 2011 in Georgia , Virginia, Florida, South Carolina and Tennessee . He even went on to compete in the international championship in Boston in 2012 (C.R.A.S.H.-B. | World Indoor Rowing Championship) where he is now ranked 6th in the world! He even inspired his son to lose close to 50 pounds and became a competitive rower as well. Plus, his 11 year old daughter followed in her father’s foot step and just recently set a world record (13 miles on Erg  Machine).


Carlos - Lost 238 Pounds - Training for Olympics - Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD

Carlos – Lost 238 Pounds – Training for Olympics – Armageddon Weight Loss – Best weight loss DVD

We are truly impressed. Most of all, take a good look at Carlos physique. Not only did he lose weight, he looks very toned and lean! Anyone can lose weight but can you lose weight and look amazing doing it? Part of the reason why Bruce Wayne created Armageddon Weight Loss was because he got so sick and tired of the litany of misleading and one dimensional programs on the market.

Carlos Lost 238 Pounds, Training for Olympics, Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD,

Carlos Lost 238 Pounds, Training for Olympics, Armageddon Weight Loss – Best weight loss DVD,

Carlos - Before Armageddon Weight Loss Program The vast majority of these program typically use young fit people as their models even though most of them did not actually use the advertised program to achieve their results.  Plus, many times the participants/models featured in these videos attended fat camps which offered financial incentives.  So, If someone was paying you lots of money to lose weight wouldn’t you be more likely to do so? If they further provided a live in chef and trainers or took you away from your home to a Hollywood fitness compound wouldn’t you have a much better chance of losing weight? However, your results would not reflect everyday conditions for most people. This is why so many of these participants on weight loss TV shows end up gaining their weight back. They never really learned in the real world how to get to their goals. With Armageddon Weight Loss you will learn how to eat, exercise, and to balance all your real life responsibilities with being healthy.   The truth is, real lives are at stake and people need genuine help. Not just marketing gimmicks.


Meet Deborah, 51, mother of a 12 year old daughter. Turning 51, was not much fun for Deborah, When she contacted us she said she was going through a separation and lacked confidence. She said she stopped wearing swimsuits and shorts a long time ago and felt very unattractive. Her legs and stomach was riddled with cellulite, she lacked muscle tone and had no energy. After just 3 1/2 month, Deborah is a new woman. We created a program that helped her lose the weight, targeted her troubled areas including toning up her stomach, legs and butt, arms and shoulders. We also targeted her cellulite which is now gone!  Plus, focused on her endurance and overall strength and conditioning. She does not even look like the same person anymore. We have given Deborah a total new make over for her 51nd birthday! We even recommended a different hair color for her and recommend new clothes. She said achieving her results was a real confidence booster and provided her with both the physical and emotional inner strength to embark on her new life.  Here at Armageddon Weight Loss we go above and beyond to transform and exceed your expectation. Recently, her 12 year old daughter walked by her in the supermarket and did not even recognized her! True story.





Dr, Ammar Jarrous MD - After Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD for weight loss and fitness


Dr, Ammar Jarrous - Best weight loss DVD Program - before image

Dr Jarrous - Before and After Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight Loss DVD program for men and women - best exercise DVD program 000


Dr. Jarrous - Cardiovascular Surgeon - After Armageddon Weight Loss - The best weight Loss DVD program for men and women - best exercise DVD programMeet Dr. Jarrous – Board Certified Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon and Armageddon Weight Loss success story.

Dr. Jarrous said, “In my opinion, the biggest problem is the multi billion dollar weight loss industry.  There are many programs including videos, supplements, and various programs that offer a quick fix for those suffering from unhealthy lifestyles.  These programs are often unsafe as they do not take into account the health history or ability of the individual.  They often offer a short term solutions that fail the individual for the long term.  This leads to frustration, continued poor health, and empty pockets!”

Dr. Jarrous on the diet and weight loss industry

“Most weight loss programs focus on either diet, pre-made meals, shakes, exercise only, or some kind of diet pill.  Armageddon Weight Loss offers a multidimensional and holistic approach to weight loss that is based on real scientific principles.  Armageddon focuses on the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle, how to eat for long term results, and how to avoid poor eating habits.  In addition, Armageddon weight loss offers a structured exercise program that is tailored for each individual based on their weight, fitness level, and goals. “

Why you should make a change

As a cardiovascular surgeon with 15 years of experience in dealing with cardiovascular disease, obesity was a major contributor to cardiovascular disease.  Obese patients have a higher risk of complications and death post cardiovascular procedures.

Order Armageddon Weight Loss experience for yourself why Armageddon Weight Loss is the best weight loss DVD program for women and men.




cheri-menoni-armageddon-weight-loss-show-get-rid-of-diabetes-best-weight-loss-program-for-women-bruce-wayne-docscience-90ARMAGEDDON WEIGHT LOSS - BEST WEIGTH LOSS PROGRAM FOR WOMEN, DOCSCIENCE, TV SHOW , RADIO SHOW, BRUCE WAYNE, DIABETIC BREAKTHROUGHCheri’s case is so impressive that The Armageddon Weight Loss Process is now being review as a possible new more sustainable way to treat diabetic patients. The Armageddon Weight Loss process offers a new way for diabetics to be able to stay in “remission”, a state in which all signs and symptoms of diabetes disappears. We now have a new terminology for diabetic, we call it ” Chronic Remission”. Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease with no current cure. However, based on the definition provided by the American Diabetic Association that diabetic remission is “a state in which all signs and symptoms of diabetes disappears”. What if we could keep some diabetic patients in constant remission for life? (CLICK THE READ MORE BUTTON AND LISTEN TO CHERI’S RADIO SHOW INTERVIEW ALONG WITH OUR ENDOCRINOLOGIST DISCUSSING THIS NEW BREAKTHROUGH FOR DIABETICS.  CLICK HERE OR (HERE IS THE LINK

While the patient would not be technically cured of their disease, if they had no signs or symptoms of their disease wouldn’t that be one hell of an advancement for diabetics? This is our goal and so far things looks very promising for many of our diabetic clients. This means that Type 2 Diabetics may be able to get off their medications similar to Cheri and stay off their medications possibly for life! Listen to the Armageddon Weight Loss Radio show to hear Endocrinologist Dr. Kathy Trumbull discuss Cheri’s case and why Armageddon Weight Loss may offer new hope for Type 2 diabetics.


To listen to the Podcast of previous show including the show featuring Cheri, click on the link below and then when you arrive on the page scroll down. Cheri’s story is the third show. The podcast for the show featuring Cheri’s story will be available on May 17th 2016. (the next day after the live show is aired)  Here is the link:

Here is Cheri’s Story Below

Here is what Cheri said when we interviewed her on her first day.

Cheri  Menoni, RN is the Department Head of the Admissions for 150 bed free standing facility and a 29 bed sub-acute facility. She also works PRN on the weekends on the floor.

I have not been below 200 pounds in 20 years. I work full time as a Registered Nurse and I am also in school full-time. I thought being active would help me to stay healthy but I was lacking the hard science to lose weight and get in shape and this had become detrimental to my health. Like many, I have all the exercise tapes and workout videos that I have used over the years.  I used Pilates, and also tried P90X but it was just too hard. In fact, I even had a routine. I would used 4 tapes on a regular basis. I would use some tapes from Shape magazine also. I would rotate between Shape, and Pilates. I felt tired, didn’t like the way I looked and I wanted to stop my  diabetic medications. I work 7:30 a to 5 PM or later in addition to weekends and I am in school.  I desperately needed energy.

Cheri Menoni RN - Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD for women over 50; Armageddon Weight Loss - Best weight loss DVD program for women over 40 , best exercise DVD program for weight loss better than weight watchers, lose weight fast - 2

I don’t like to exercise with other people

I hate Weight Watchers. I tried it and all they do is promote their food products. I do not like figure out how many points a food is in order to eat. I like to exercise and feel good when I do.  I clearly have not achieved results with my hodge-podge system.

I have a diabetic abdomen and I want to feel good about myself again

I tried to walk daily, but the weather often prohibits my ability to walk. Sugary – bars – kind bars – nuts with honey bar, I eat lot of them. I am a Type 2 Diabetic and take Metformin, Januvia, and Glipizine. I have a diabetic abdomen and I want to feel good about myself again. My father is in horrible condition and I do not want to be that person. I have seen so many patients with the same conditions. I want to change.

My Knee – don’t know if is arthritis, I feel it a lot in winter. It just hurts if I do too much walking on it. I want to feel alive again.


About my Armageddon Transformation – Scientific Data is Proof. 

I have made an amazing transformation.  I lost 88 pounds! I managed to get off of several medications including Metformin, Januvia and GLipizide. I decreased my blood pressure medication to 20 mg. My last blood pressure  was 115/72, and my resting heart rate was 61! My cholesterol dropped to 154. Hdl 59. Triglyceride 75 it was 200 when I started. My Hemoglobn A1C is now 4.8 and my doctor has stated that I am officially cured of my Type 2 Diabetes.  I can work a 12 hour shift now on my feet without pain. I have definition in places I didn’t think I had muscles. I can shop in any story I want and i now wear a size 6 dress at 150 pounds and 5 feet 8 tall.

I am now running! I am fit! I have gotten my life back. I had to give away all my clothes several times. I am in the best shape I have been in in 30 years.  My hospital has asked me to speak to our wellness program group to inspire them. Hopefully I can recommend them to use Armageddon Weight Loss. Thanks you Armageddon Weight Loss for changing my life.

Now go listen to her radio interview right now! Click here

Megan is the mother of a 61/2 year old girl and a 1 1/2   old baby girl. Megan is 5 feet tall. During her first pregnancy she gained over 70 pounds. While she lost some of the weight after her first pregnancy she never was quite able to lose all of her post pregnancy weight. Then 5 years later, just before her wedding she got pregnant and gained about 40 pounds during her pregnancy. A year and a half later after giving birth Megan weight was a shocking 205 pounds at only 5 feet tall. NEW UPDATE Megan lost a total of 95 pounds!


Take a good look at Megan’s body, particularly her stomach. Her images have not been Photo-shopped! She looks 9 months pregnant a year and a half later after giving birth. She was mortified about how she looked. She tried numerous products, including diet pills that made her dizzy and shake and workout DVDs that delivered nothing in return for all of her efforts.




Megan lost 90 pounds! She never thought she would be able to wear a bikini ever again.  However, we wanted to exceed her expectations so we created a program that targeted her entire body including getting rid of cellulite, toning, sculpting and lifting her butt, and getting rid of her huge cellulite belly. Doesn’t she look awesome in her bikini?


I have been pretty athletic most of my life, but when I took a job working from home the pounds began piling on. “I did not feel comfortable in my own skin anymore”. I wanted to find a program that could get rid of my cellulite, reshape my body and took into account my hip joint issues.  I wanted a program that would teach me how to be healthy for the rest of my life not just a quick fix. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family and I wanted to take a proactive approach.  I was not interested in some prepackaged food program with bland tasting foods, mediocre results and a quick fix. My program was personalized and designed just for me. I had a coach that was there every step of my amazing journey and I am so proud of my results. It happened in just 7 weeks. Yes, you ready that correct! No drugs! No Supplements! Just hard science, a personalized program tailored just for me and an amazing coach who was there for me every step of the way.




All the women in my family have used Armageddon Weight Loss Program. My mom who is 57 used the program first and had great results. Then I started the program, then my sister began the program just a few week ago and now she has already lost 30 pounds. Plus, my cousin has joined the the Armageddon Weight Loss bandwagon. We all have different schedules and Armageddon Weight Loss designed our program to fit our busy lifestyles. We are all different ages with different body types. I carry most of my weight in my hips while my sister and cousin carry their weight in their middle (hour glass/ apple shape). I was amazed how Armageddon Weight Loss was able to design individualized programs for each of my family members to fit our schedules, body types and to target our troubled areas.





ALETH – 46 – MOTHER OF TWIN BOYS –  Results is just 8 1/2 WEEKS

I had a C-Section after giving birth to my twin boys. At 46, when I looked in the mirror I could see my muscles getting loose, my butt was drooping and the cellulite was making my legs look like cottage cheese. I own many of the popular weight loss programs and DVDs. They don’t work! I know this because being “Type A” personality I tend to follow instruction very well. The moment I started Armageddon Weight Loss Program I began to see real changes in my body.

Armageddon Weight Loss Program was created by a team of 22 doctors, scientists, fitness experts and champion athletes. My program was tailored just for me and came with a dietitian designed nutrition program, personalized cardio, an easy to follow exercise program, weight loss fitness science education and I had a coach that was there every step of my journey.My cellulite is gone, my butt is now tight and toned and my stomach looks amazing. AND… I finally learned how to keep my results for life.